Hägar Dünor Le Viking

Hägar Dünor Le Viking

Hägar The Horrible

Comic strips
Livre d'or

Livre d'or

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Message de Tony [tonyst.clair393@yahoo.com]

2017-12-31 10:00:27

I just loved the paperbacks from the 70s and 80s. It was in our local paper until about 20 years ago. Thank you for making me love to read.
Message de Tom [thtorre@gmail.com]

2017-07-17 16:23:58

From way back in the 70s or 80s Hagar wanted to find a way to get to "Trondahiem" (spelling issue I am sure) and mentally thought through the steps to invent a tricycle. Only to have his idea dashed by someone telling him that he did not know anyone there. Is there any chance of finding that episode?
Message de Rick [rickrossiter@gmail.com]

2017-07-02 19:54:30

Hello. I am an avid Hagar fan since the beginning. One of my favorite episodes was when Hagar found a fly in his oatmeal and Helga insisted it was a raisin until the raisin flew away. Helga commented: Ill be darned a flying raisin. What year was that strip published and could I possibly obtain a copy for my refrigerator? Thanks.
Message de darlene [phillipganderson@bellsouth.net]

2017-04-20 19:15:21

i am looking for an very old strip involving the men and eddie in a pub compairing battlescars eddie has a papercut.
Message de Danny Smith [smithdk@windstream.net]

2017-01-25 04:30:42

I always read Hagar the Horrible and had cut out and saved the strip where Hagar is explaining to his son about grudges. I have lost it and really need to get another copy of it. would you please help me? Same request as Susie below. I want this to show our pastor because he preached on grudges recently. Thank You!
Thank you
Message de Paula [paulaeg@sayitstraight.org]

2017-01-13 01:04:20

We loved Hagar showing his son about holding a grudge, carrying a grudge having a grudge match and his son asking if Hagar ever held a grudge. He answered, "A few." We would love to have a copy of that.
Message de Ed [eip_98@yahoo.com]

2016-08-10 02:24:52

Just want to go thru old issues
Message de Ed [eip_98@yahoo.com]

2016-08-10 02:24:24

Just want to go thru old issues
Message de Micky [Micky@gmail.com]

2016-01-22 21:26:02

Brilliant to see a website like this LOVE Hagar the Horrible, Cheers dude!
Message de Walter Jörg Langbein [W-J.Langbein@online.de]

2015-10-31 20:44:06

Sorry, made a typing error. We have two daily newspapers here in the town of Lügde, Germany. Both have Hägar. In PYRMONTER NACHRICHTEN HÄGAR, THE HORRIBLE is called HÄGAR THE VIKING, in LIPPISCHE LANDESZEITUNG he is correctly called HÄGAR,THE HORRIBLE. I Start my Day with Hägar. Love, Walter

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