Hägar Dünor Le Viking

Hägar Dünor Le Viking

Hägar The Horrible

Comic strips
Livre d'or

Livre d'or

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*Champ obligatoire

Message de New20fan [New20fan@yahoo.com]

2020-11-07 03:37:32

Anyway to find one from 80/90 ish!! Says to war to war... runs to ship sticks toe in cold water and says.. to da bar to da bar!!!
Message de Akarxo [focusenrgy@gmail.com]

2020-08-02 00:05:15

I loved reading this as kid *-*
Finding this website just filled me with soo much joy!
I love your work!! Thanks for this awesome website, never read this comic in color before
Message de Tony Carl [baconia]

2020-07-11 13:46:08

Dear Sirs. I lost my cartoon that I had framed about grudges where Hagar said he had a few grudges. And his closet was chock full of them. I loved this teaching about not to hold grudges. Can anyone tell me where I can find a copy. The least expensive cost as I’m on a fixed income.
My email is jeannecraig1948@gmail.com
Thank you so much for your time
Message de Eula Caldwell [eulaandwayne@embarqmail.com]

2020-06-11 20:41:23

am looking for a replacement of Hagar dated 3/16 (unknown year) from Sunday paper. Helga is looking over Hagar in 5 cells, then kisses him, and says"Every so often I ask myself if its all worth it. After a lively debate I always say "yes".
Message de comic guy [Bubboscoffee@yahoo.com]

2020-05-26 22:06:29

Hi I Love the Hagar Strip. I Looked through all 980 panels and I could not find my favorite one. Where Helga says The Spaghetti is Al Dente then Hagar says Let All Get his onw Spagetti can you send that one strip to me please
Message de Raphael Suarez [infinitegravity@hotmail.com]

2020-03-11 12:32:30

Thanks for comucs strips. Really I love it and, right now, I know is very important to be happy for to do anything.
PS. Is possible to found on store hagar in colour?
Message de Fritz [Fritz.paul@gmail.com]

2020-02-26 19:37:46

I am looking for a Hagar commic about which year he he prefers.
Btw. Can’t you make this fine website responsive.
I cannot see what I’ve typed.
Message de Bill Pavesic [bpavesic@gmail.com]

2020-02-26 17:05:04

I love the cartoon on 2/24/20 about not letting it breathe.Years ago I had a Sunday Hagar comic framed but in some move from US to Guam to Korea and back i lost it. The cartoon was also about letting the wine "breathe" but then Hagar shouted it needed "resuscitation!" Do you have any idea I might look for it??
with 968 + weeks to find it may take longer than my 78 yrs of age might last.
Message de Petey [Peter@tanczos.co.uk]

2019-11-21 14:04:38

Loved Hagar, where did he go?
Message de John [ArntzenJE@aol.com]

2019-06-21 17:53:39

I saw a Hagar cartoon back taped to a cabin wall back in 1997 and would like to purchase one of you books containing it. It said something like this: The kid says"where is Dad going?" Then Helga says "to kiss his boat goodnight." Which book to I buy to find that, approximate date??
Thank you.

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